The NPDF has created a medical fund for the child and tax deductible donations can be made using the form below or by calling 877-325-KIDS. The NPDF is also accepting donated United Airlines miles to defer the high cost of air travel.


Read the Official Press Release Here (8/18/2015)

Read the Official Press Release Here (6/26/2015)


NINDS Intramural Scientists Participate In International Humanitarian Effort

Thank you to Secretary Van Mitchell from the Maryland Governor’s office for visiting Claudia and her parents at the National Institute of Health (NIH). The NPDF would like to express our deepest appreciation to the NIH team for taking such wonderful care of Claudia.



Read the Official Press Release Here (4/14/2015)

Watch the Youtube video here

Read a letter from the National Institute of Health here

Let’s give a name to Claudia’s disease